GIS Working Group
Jason Deshaies, SMTC, Chair
Erin Tylutki, HOCTC, Co-Chair
Jack Mance, A/GFTC
Brian Cohen, BMTS
Leigh McCullen, BMTS
Teresa Lasalle, CRTC
Parker Morris, CRTC
Mark Debald, DCTC
Devin Rigolino, DCTC
Tara Grogan, DCTC
Mike Perry, ECTC
Kimberly Smith, GBNRTC
Kathryn Stilwell, GBNRTC
Charlie Rieck, GTC
Chris Tortora, GTC
​David Staas, GTC
Jay Lambrix, ITCTC
Leslie Fordjour, NYMTC
Adam Levine, NYMTC
Munnesh Patel, NYMTC
Mark Maglienti, NYMCTC
Alan Sorensen, OCTC
John Morrow, OCTC
James D'Agostino, SMTC
Andrew Frasier, SMTC
Robert Leibowitz, UCTC
Jennifer Docteur, WJCTC
Kevin Hunt, NYSDOT
Mike Rossi, NYSDOT
Korie McAllister, NYSDOT
Zizhao He, NYSDOT
Allison Weber, FHWA-NY
Nicole McGrath, FHWA-NY
Geographic Information Systems, or GIS, has become part of the planners' lexicon. It provides a platform to analyze and display data and information spatially. A broad range of data elements are used by planners: land use and natural features, roadway networks and their attributes, transit networks and their attributes, crash records, forecasts from travel demand models, and more.
The GIS Working Group is a profession network for planners and technicians in MPOs and New York State DOT who create and use GIS based information.
GIS Working Group Goals
Knowledge Transfer: Conduct in-person meetings as the primary means for sharing practices and information on opportunities. Supplement or replace in-person meetings with virtual meetings as needed.
Data Collection and Assessment: Identify, compile, and assess spatial data that is useful to MPOs and their member agencies and, to the extent practical, partner organizations.
Coordination: Utilize the Working Group as a forum for coordination with partner organizations to obtain and share data and practices.
Software: Ensure that GIS software applications are consistent across the MPOs in New York State to the greatest extent practical.
Training: Identify training opportunities to improve the technical capabilities of MPO staff.
Click the image above to view the current Work Plan
2022 Meeting Minutes
2021 Meeting Minutes
2020 Meeting Minutes
2019 Meeting Minutes
2018 Meeting Minutes
2017 Meeting Minutes