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Bicycle & Pedestrian
Working Group 

Emily Dozier, DCTC, Chair

David Staas, GTC, Co-Chair

Jack ManceA/GFTC 

Scott Reigle, BMTS

Ethan Townsend, CRTC

Sandy Misiewicz, CRTC

Tara Grogan, DCTC

Mike Perry, ECTC

Amy Weymouth, GBNRTC

Amy Heiderich, HOCTC

​Jenna Webb, HOCTC

Fernando de Aragon, ITCTC

Jay Lambrix, ITCTC

Adam Levine, NYMTC

John Simpson, NYMTC  

Alan Sorensen, OCTC

Jessica Ridgeway, OCTC

Martha Eckman, OCTC

Danielle Krol, SMTC

Mike Alexander, SMTC

Brian Slack, UCTC

Geoffrey Urda, WJCTC

Karen Lorf, NYSDOT

Colleen Smith-Lemmon, NYSDOT

Lisa Ford, NYSDOT

Michael Grant, NYSDOT



​Susan Olsen, NYSDOT

Daniel McCormick, NYSDOT

William O'Hern, NYSDOT

Korie McAllister, NYSDOT

John Franchini, NYSDOT

Valerie Deane, NYSDOT

Christina Gravelding, NYSDOT

Sharon Heyboer, NYSDOT

Beth Watts, NYSDOT

Julie Baldwin, NYSDOT

Greg Szewczyk, NYSDOT

Christopher Church, NYSDOT

Alexandra Beck, NYSDOT

Sandra Jobson, NYSDOT

Susan Pitely, NYSDOT

Yacob Shenkute, NYSDOT

Veronika Cetin, NYSDOT

Jennifer Hogan, NYSDOH

Nicole McGrath, FHWA

Ayla Schermer, FTA

Dylan Carey, PTNY

Rebecca Murray, PTNY

Anne Savage, NYBC

Mark Hoffacker, NYBC

Ed Brennan, NYBC


Travel on foot and by bicycle has become increasingly recognized a a valued part of the urban transportation fabric. When trips made by non-motorized modes replace those made in cars, there are benefits ranging from reduced emissions to reduced congestion to improved health from physical activity. MPOs are looking for ways to promote these modes, and to understand their unique safety needs.


The Bicycle and Pedestrian Working Group includes staff of MPOs and NYSDOT, as well as partner agencies such as the NYS Department of Health, New York Bicycling Coalition, and Parks and Trails NY.

man riding bike with backpack

NYSDOT Bicycling in New York State Webpage

Bike Traffic Light

FHWA Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Program Webpage

Couple Walking on Urban Sidewalk

NHTSA Pedestrian Safety Program Webpage

NYSAMPO 2024-2025 Working Group Work Program

Click the image above to view the current Work Plan

Bicycle & Pedestrian Working Group Goals


  1. Provide a forum through Working Group meetings and email correspondence to share issues and ideas to help members improve their pedestrian and bicycle planning work.

  2. Improve bicycle and pedestrian safety and accessibility by promoting best practices and coordinating with partners on outreach and education.

  3. Support the implementation of Complete Streets by MPOs, NYSDOT, partner agencies, and local jurisdictions.

  4. Collaborate with other NYSAMPO Working Groups, New York State agencies, and partners including the NYSDOT, the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee (GTSC), and NYS Department of Health (NYSDOH); non-profit organizations including the New York Bicycling Coalition (NYBC), Parks and Trails New York (PTNY); and others to achieve mutual goals.

  5. Track State and Federal legislative and regulatory initiatives related to bicycling and walking, including relevant NYSDOT policies and Engineering Bulletins/Instructions.

2024 Meeting Minutes

March 14, 2024

2022 Meeting Minutes

December 9, 2022

September 8, 2022

June 9, 2022

March 10, 2022




2021 Meeting Minutes

December 9, 2021

September 9, 2021

June 10, 2021

March 18, 2021



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