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Climate Change
Working Group 

Kevin Meindl, ECTC, Chair

Jack Mance, A/GFTC

Sandy Misiewicz, CDTC

Parker Morris, CDTC

Mark Debald, DCTC

Tara Grogan, DCTC

Liv Lovejoy, ECTC

Kevin Meindl, ECTC

Mike Perry, ECTC

Kelly Dixon, GBNRTC

Joe Bovenzi, GTC

Amy Heiderich, HOCTC

Jeff Quackenbush, HOCTC

Gerry Bogacz, NYMTC

Manish Shah, NYMTC

Sherry Southe, NYMTC

Jessica Ridgeway, OCTC

Alan Sorensen, OCTC

Brian Slack, UCTC

Colleen Smith-Lemmon, NYSDOT

Susan Olsen, NYSDOT

Elizabeth Ketcham, NYSDOT

Stephen Scaduto, NYSDOT

Rachel Fishman, NYSERDA

Nina Haiman, NYSERDA

Richard Mai, NYSERDA

Adam Ruder, NYSERDA

Heather Holsinger, FHWA HQ

Nicole McGrath, FHWA NY

Gautam Mani, FHWA NY

Global climate change is an issue of increasing concern to the transportation community: planners, designers, maintainers, and operators. There are two important sub-disciplines, mitigation and adaptation.


Mitigation seeks ways to reduce the production of greenhouse gas emissions that are seen as a primary cause of climate change.


Adaptation addresses the likely impacts on the transportation system of the consequences of climate change, from more frequent storm events to sea level rise, and modifies design and operations to prepare for those impacts.


The Climate Change Working Group includes representatives of the MPOs, the New York State Departments of Transportation (NYSDOT) and Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC), and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA). It provides an opportunity for planners engaged in both aspects of climate change to share practice and to learn from national experts.


Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Metropolitan Planning Organizations

City Intersection

Connecting Land Use and Transportation Planning - the Linkage Program for MPOs

Urban Cycling

How New York's MPOs Address Planning for Sustainable Transportation and Sustainable Communities

Climate Change Working Group Goals


  1. Provide a forum for sharing best practices among the MPOs and with New York State, federal, and other planning partners regarding climate change mitigation and adaptation, resiliency planning, and sustainability.

  2. Monitor regional, state, or federal planning processes, legislation, and outreach initiatives that address climate change mitigation and adaptation, transportation system resiliency, and sustainability in New York State.

  3. Engage with partners and stakeholders, including NYSDOT, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC), and the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) to stay informed about and participate in ongoing statewide climate change and sustainability efforts, including:
    Implementation of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA); National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure program (NEVI); Carbon Reduction Program (CRP); and Promoting Resilient Operations for Transformative, Efficient, and Cost-Saving Transportation (PROTECT) program.

  4. Share technical guidance and resources about climate change mitigation and adaptation, transportation system resiliency, and sustainability actions for MPO staff.

  5. Assess data needs related to climate change and resiliency across MPOs in New York State and elsewhere.

NYSAMPO 2024-2025 Working Group Work Program

Click the image above to view the current Work Plan

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