Why Should You Listen to Me? Developing Effective Communication Skills and Tools
NYSAMPO and NYSDOT are developing a training opportunity to be held after the NYSAMPO Conference in Syracuse. The workshop is available to public sector staff.
Note that sign-up is required. Please sign up by March 31, 2023.
Have you ever felt your nerves racing right before you had to present to the public, a committee or even a group of colleagues? Join us as we explore essential skills related to speaking in front of internal and external stakeholders in our “Why Should You Listen to Me? Developing Effective Communication Skills and Tools” workshop.
In this workshop, you will:
Know the importance of first impressions and how to craft an introduction that sets the right tone from the start;
Understand about different communication styles and how this affects your presentation design and delivery;
Recognize the need to tailor your message to your audience; and
Learn effective strategies for organizing and preparing for presentations.
When: Thursday, May 11. 8:30-12:00
Where: Marriott Syracuse Downtown, 100 E. Onondaga St, Syracuse, NY
Open to: All MPO staff and public sector planning partners. There is no fee to attend.
Deadline: Please sign up by March 31, 2023
Registration is Required: Visit this link to sign-up: https://forms.gle/R3jWxw6WUjn7Pahb8
Additional information will be emailed as we get closer to the event.
Presenter Bios:
Jose Vazquez is a Certified Microsoft professional, pragmatic technologist, training specialist, and a coaching and development expert. He has over two decades of experience in enterprise learning and small business technology. His enthusiasm and cheeky humor on (and off) stage spur audiences to not only sit up and listen but also take action.
Angela Crupe has been a Training Specialist with NYSDOT since 2017. Prior to that, she worked in training roles at the NYS Office of Children and Family Services and the Special Populations Unit at the NYS Department of Labor. Her dream is to help people deliver better presentations.
Please contact Rich Denbow at rdenbow@camsys.com if you have any questions.